Stick around a while and see what develops 呆上一会儿,看看会发生什么。
I didn't stick around long enough to find out. 我在那儿呆的时间很短,没弄清楚。
Once you give Apple your credit card number, you tend to stick around. 用户一旦购买了某个苹果产品,从此就会一发而不可收。
If she is in such a bad mood, maybe we shouldn't stick around anymore. 如果她心情这么糟,也许我们不该再在附近逗留。
They want to encourage you to stick around while also finding a way to save money. 他们想要鼓励你留下,同时也在寻求省钱的方法。
Newcomers do break into the elite ranks and stick around, sometimes replacing veteran galleries. 有些新来者的确打破了精英阶层,并坚持下来,有些画廊取代了老画廊。
You intend to stick around. 你打算在这待上一会。
You will? If you don't see me right away, stick around. I'll show up. 你会吗?如果你没有看见我,别走开。我会出现的。
I counted him to stick around. 我盼望他留下来。
I'm gonna stick around a while longer. 我还打算逗留一会儿呢。
I'll call for help for you, but I can't stick around, all right? 我会请你帮助,但我不能坚守阵地,好吗?
I can promise you I will stick around for two years. 我可以向你保证我至少会做满二年。
Hard to believe anybody would stick around here for eight years. 真不敢相信有人会在这儿住了八年。
If you stick around long enough, you'll get the hang of things. 如果你待得够久的话,你就会学到诀窍了。
I'd like to stick around for twelve months to help put this deal together. 让我再管十二个月的事来帮助完成合并大业。
Seeing as there's no reason to stick around anymore. 好像你已经没有什么在呆在这里的原因了。
Why don't you stick around here a while? I'll pay you well. 不能留下来帮我吗?我高薪聘你。
I can stick around, if you want. 如果你需要的话,我就在旁边。
How long does the average visitor stick around? 访问者平均停留多长时间?
He said to tell you to stick around. 他交待说让你别走开。
Joe said I should stick around. 乔说我应该留在这儿。
Maybe you could stick around here? 也许你还可以在这里转转?
Stick around, we may need you. 不要走远,我们可能需要你。
After that, I didn't see any reason to stick around. 从那以后我不能在周围看到棒子。
You gonna stick around a little while this time? 这一次你会待久一点吗?
You go-i'll stick around here a bit longer and wait for jane. 你先走&我在这再多等简一会儿。
You continue to stick around,* and then your life has this feeling of at least we can imagine this happening being sort of anticlimactic. 你还继续活在世上,但是你的生活则变得有点-,至少我们可以想象会有这样的事-,你的生活变得有点虎头蛇尾。
You want to stick around and find out? 你想呆在这搞明白?
I hope you'll stick around till the end. 我希望你能留在这里直到结束。
I'm sorry, they're not paying me to stick around here. 对不起,他们没有付我工资让我在这里逗留。